Friday, January 8, 2016


This week has been a busy week for our class! Monday we got out assignments for our Service Via Video Project. We are going to be creating videos for different organizations and sending them to an international video contest which could win money for our organizations. Our first stop was a Rotary meeting, which is an international service organization. Next we went to the Ada Jenkins Center to take a tour of the building. Ada Jenkins is an old school that is now used for different purposes like a dental clinic, a health clinic. They focus on servicing low income families with whatever they need. Davidson Lifeline was another non-profit that we are working with, educates people about mental illnesses. 

Next up was probably the class favorite, the Cornelius Animal Shelter. We were able to walk through the shelter, look at kittens and play with PUPPIES. The officer brought out four energetic puppies. The first was Fritz who may only be one years old but he had an old soul and a sweet-heart. The next was Nessi, she caught our hearts from the first time we saw her. Third was my favorite, Bam-Bam, a white five-month-old pit bull, who was one of the sweetest puppies I've ever met. I am totally against anyone who says pit bulls are viscous and mean dogs. You can raise anyone to be mean or aggressive, it's all about how you treat them and how you train them. Anyway, the last was Sparky, a small but sassy dog who had no care in the world about anyone. All she wanted to do was play with her friend, Nessi. 

Even though she didn't really pay attention to us we saw she was a good dog and loves to play. Sadly, none of us got to take any of the dogs home and we had to leave. But finally we ended up at my groups organization, Angels and Sparrows Soup Kitchen. For me I had already been to the Soup Kitchen because the lady who runs it goes to my church. But it always amazes me to hear the stories that she tells about all that she has done through the soup kitchen. Hopefully soon our group will be getting video of morning prep, when the people actually come in, maybe interview a few volunteers or people who eat there and the lady who runs it. 

This is such an amazing opportunity for both us and our clients to get the word out about their non-profit and for us to gain more digital and community learning and understanding.    

Thanks for reading!