Friday, October 30, 2015

Figuring it out...

Community Showcase is next week! Now that I've done a 180 on my project, I'm ready for next week to talk about it and talk about everything involved with my project. I've written all my interview questions and now I need to get in touch with everyone who I'm interviewing and find a time to shoot it! But first I'm focusing on the showcase next week. I picked up my poster board and glitter letters and I'm ready to get started on it! I plan to fill the poster board with pictures and memories from mission trips that I've personally been on. I'll probably add a short story about my mentors and obviously what my project is about. The digital part I haven't quite figured out what it is going to be, whether it's pictures, stories, or memories from Nica. 

But I think what's most important is a catchy title....which I don't have(Any ideas??)

Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Roadblock Week!

This week has been kind of stressful week because I had to change my Genius Time project, so I had to redo my proposal idea and send it in. So I've had a really hard time trying to catch myself up and make sure that it still shows my passion thoroughly. I finally finished my second proposal yesterday and felt really good about where my project is going to go. 

I will being doing a video about toxic charity and my experience with third world countries. I will be conducting interviews from people who have gone to mission trips with toxic charities in mind and also a company in Nicaragua who spreads awareness about Toxic Charity. Next week, I will start to write all of my interview questions, and start scheduling my interviews to get everything started! 

I learned this week that just because there is an obstacle in your way doesn't mean everything has come crashing down, it just means you have to rethink how you want to impact people.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Blog week 7

This week we talked about the impact of your life and comments on social media. We talked about how colleges have been now using social media to see what kind of person that could potentially be on there campus. I was looking through my social media and wasn't to proud of some of it because I think it doesn't truly portray who I am, which makes me want to watch and rethink about what I put up on my social media. So now every time I go to post something I check and recheck to make sure its showing who I really am. 

#WEAREALLUNCOOL     (check out this campaign)

Thanks for reading!!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Setbacks for my passion project

This week I had a meeting with my church who are potentially going to be helping me with my passion project. There are some problems that have come up which at first caused me to get really bummed out cause I thought I needed to start over. I haven't fixed the problems yet but I don't plan on completely throwing away my project. I know that I have a lot to do and get done if I want this project to work but I am very hopeful that it will get done. I know I have a lot of people that are willing and excited to help this project become a success. You can't expect everything to be perfect all the time, then it becomes no fun. 

Thanks for reading!!!