Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Professional Development Presentation

Sorry I'm a little late on my blog...I've had a busy couple of days. 

We presented our project last friday to the teachers at professional development, which was very nerve-racking because I have had most of them so it was weird to feel like we were the teachers and they were the students! 

Anyway I think the presentation went really well. The teachers seemed to be really interested in the different apps that we were showing them to use in the classroom. Our group talked aboout using schoology discussions between students to help each other understand concepts when they are out of the classroom. 

I hope that we get more opportunities to do stuff like that because it was really fun and I think it really helped the teachers. 

Thanks for reading!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015


This week I only made it to Fridays class because I was in a car accident and needed to take a couple days off for the shock to calm down. I only broke my hand in three places so I'm glad that is the only thing that needed medical attention out of the whole accident. 

But we have a lot of exciting things coming up for DigCit! We are going to be working with the teachers on a half day and teach them some new technology to use in their classrooms. Also we are working individually with teachers or clubs to help them with different projects. 

Hopefully I can make a full week for a better blog next week!! 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Twitter Chats

This week in class we learned about twitter chats. We are going to be apart of twitter chats ourselves. I think twitter chats are a good way to get other peoples opinion and get people talking about different issues(in 140 characters). 

I think I could use a twitter chat in my passion project to get people talking about toxic charity. I would be able to ask questions about what people know about it and get their opinions too. I think twitter is an amazing way to communicate, people from all over can input their opinion and learn about different topics or issues going on in the world. Why you ask? You only have 140 characters to get your point across. So its very hard to get off topic in one tweet. 

I hope everyone has a great week! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Passion Project released!

So Shark Tank presentations are done and I'm finally ready to tell you what my Passion Project is! 

Originally, I was just going to do an awareness video on toxic charity and the effects it has on Nicaragua. I wanted to partner with C-IT and have them send me information on everything that was going on there. I messaged them the other day to ask for permission...and they loved it! I was so excited. Later on that day they asked if we could Skype so they could propose an idea to expand on my project. So they told me a story about a 16-year-old girl who lives in Santa Matilda was trying to do high school. Keep in mind their high school starts at 7th grade and the village of Santa Matilda does not have a high school so the closest one is in Chichigalpa, so along with school supplies, they also have to pay for transportation. Anyway, this girl was not able to continue with her education because they didn't have money for her to travel to school. So here is their idea to add on to mine; instead of sponsoring a student for their school supplies which won't even be used if there is no school, sponsor a teacher. One teacher is $50 per month and the school needs four teachers so that students can continue education. So what I want to do is hold a fundraiser and raise the money to pay for the teachers to come in and teach, because Nicaragua HAS teachers, but obviously they need money to pay for travel, food and their family. I'm not sure what the fundraiser will be yet. Then Mario and Rydder will videotape the process, from the beginning, middle to end. Different students will share there stories and what they learn in there class. 

I hope to continue this fundraiser after this class, because if we get a job for people then they can teach other kids, who could go on to the university or another job with a specific skill. So it will start a cycle and eventually they could become self-sufficient. That is my goal. 

Along with this post I am adding pictures from my previous trips to Santa Matilda, for Madame McDaniel who wanted to not just read about my experience but "see" it to! 

Thank you so much for reading this weeks post! I would love to answer any questions you may have about the project or anything else!