Friday, August 21, 2015

My 1st blog! My Heartbreak Map

This week in class we worked on our Heartbreak Maps. We had to pick what we love, what breaks our heart about it and what are some possible solutions to fixing it. For my heartbreak map I put in the center for what I love is service work, and my kiddos in Nicaragua. I have gone to Nicaragua twice now and have fallen in love with all of the kids and people that I have met and worked with, their stories have completely broken my heart. One of the main problems that I have seen is teen pregnancy, girls as young as 11-12 are pregnant because that's the culture they have grown up in. This means a lot of girls are unable to go to school and get an education, instead they may have to get a job to provide for their family or have to stay home and take care of their family. When the translators were talking about how the children live and how everything works in the village, I fell apart. A lot of girls who are unable to get pregnant become prostitutes to earn money for their families. I began to think "Why would children be okay with doing this to themselves?" and then after a long time of going through different opinions in my head, I finally asked my translator, he told me that they don't know any better, there is no education that tells them that they could be doing so much better with their life, that's a norm in their society and its a way for a family to earn a little bit of money. 
My translator Mario has come up with "Empower" which is a company that teaches not only abstinence till you are married but self-confidence and self-worth which was absolutely amazing to sit in and watch. It is a student lead meeting and is a couple weeks long and if you teach for other kids, you are eligible for a scholarship to an university.  Their big thing is using Nicaraguan teens because they are able to connect easier than an adult can. 

So far I haven't really come up on a solution for what breaks my heart. Hopefully, if this becomes my passion project, I'll have some sort of answer for you.   
  I want to make sure that none of you that are reading this feel bad for people in third world countries because I assure you, they don't need it. They may not have all the things we have here but they are some of the happiest people in the world, they give everything they have to anyone and everyone. Walking around in one village, an older lady had just gotten back from getting mangos that she was going to cut up and eat, we had stopped to ask her some questions and she invited us inside her "house" and asked us to stay and talk to her for a little while. We stayed there for a bit and as we were leaving her home she asked us to take the mangos as a thank you for visiting with her. She had eight mangos in her hand a gave us all eight. I was blown away, this lady had just gotten back from picking all of these mangos and she gave us EVERY single one of them. 

Thank you so much for reading my first blog! 


  1. Martina,

    It's evident your experience in Nicaragua has definitely made a lasting impact. I'm sure your classmates, as well as blog readers, will greatly respect how this has affected your views.

    Congrats on your first blog post.

    Mr. Smith

    1. Thank you so much for responding to my blog! I hope you enjoyed it and I appreciate that you are taking time out of your schedule to read our blogs.

  2. Martina - Great first post! Your love for Nica resonates with me so much because I've definitely experienced the same feelings with Guatemala and other trips. Can't wait to see how this passion transforms during your Genius Time!

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