Friday, November 13, 2015

Blog 11

Exciting things have been happening in our DigCit class. We are starting our PSA storyboarding this week. My groups topic is Copyright laws, which for a PSA, is a pretty tough topic. But my group choose MY idea! I'm so excited that my group thought my idea is good enough to show to people. So while we have been finishing up on the storyboards, we also got to talk to Kevin Beatty who went to school and got his B.S. in film which is pretty cool. But he pretty much focuses on photography. 

He basically is a freelance photographer, at first hearing that he just waits for jobs freaked me out because he never knows where his next paycheck will come from. I'm the type of person who likes to plan out everything and if I don't then I worry. I totally commend him for living like that. What I really like about him is that he took the time to make a booklet of his work and personally sent it to potential work place, he sent it to about 10 different people and out of those people he got one response back. Even though he got only one response, it still got him a job. Adding a product that was his own work probably really meant a lot to the people he sent it to because he took the time and make another portfolio which made him stand out from other people. 

  I learned some new ways to stand out with my project and new ideas for being professional not just for my project but also in the real world. 

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