Friday, November 20, 2015

PSA Film Week

Hey guys! 

So this week we were filming our PSA's that I was talking about last week. It was actually exciting to start designing the posters asking people to be in it and actually carrying it out with the filming. We had three students and one counselor be apart of the PSA.  We finished filming today and I think next week we are going to start editing and finalizing. I have NO CLUE how to do either of those things, so I have a lot learn about it and I am pretty excited! 

I guess I should tell you what the PSA is about....well like I said last week, it's about Copyright rules. Most people who make projects or reports don't really think about copyrighting laws (besides when they have to do a Works Cited page), but there is so much more, and that's what our PSA is trying to explain. 

Off topic....but last night I was apart of Miss LNC Scholarship pageant. There were 14 total girls in the pageant and everyone did so amazing, I'm so happy to have been involved with this with such awesome girls, I started some new friendships and learned more about previous friends.                            I was 2nd runner up and even got $100 scholarship and a really pretty sash! If you are in top 5 then you have to answer an on-stage question, which for me was really scary, because I have a tendency to trip up on words, but my question that was based off of my interview was about what toxic charity has taught me when I go on mission trips. I instantly felt relief because I am so comfortable talking about toxic charity and what it has done for me and even though I said um(which you aren't supposed to do) I was still really proud of my answer. 

My picture this week is a picture is a picture of all 14 girls who were involved in the pageant because every single one of us worked out booties off for last night and the second one is the sash that I get to wear today to school.

Thank you so much for reading! 

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